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Since the mid-2010, countries that have early accepted new technology have understood the need to develop standards for the proper implementation of BIM. This was initially made possible by means of existing organizations or standards-setting institutions. Then, due to the great interest and the involvement of many stakeholders, new organizations have been created that are dedicated to the implementation of BIM technology. Committees are being set up to study, propose and define the patterns of creation, use and distribution of the information produced. This information generally refers to the graphical models and the level of detail they present, as well as the information that is incorporated into metadata metadata models. In addition to the official agencies of a state and the professional associations, other people are also interested in personal or collective interest, creating websites and blogs. All of them have already created a huge database of all modern forms of communication, namely, book releases, manuals, articles, video presentations, power point presentations, educational videos, webinars and so on.

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