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Christos Minas


Christos Minas is Engineer Architect (Dipl. Eng. Arch.), member of the Cyprus Architects' Association and member of the Scientific Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK). He has over thirty years of experience as Consultant Designer Architect, in Cyprus and abroad.


He has worked and offered his services as Architectural Studio, as a company Chr. Minas Services Ltd and as a team member in organizations in Cyprus and abroad.


During his career, up to present day, he has dealt with designs of projects such as: Individual Residential Buildings, Blocks of Flats, Residential Complexes, Student Dormitories, Hotels, Medical Centers, Offices, Mixed Use Buildings, Entertainment Centers, Restaurants, Stores, Industrial Buildings, Renovations of Old and new buildings, Architectural Competitions, etc.


Our company Chr. Minas Architects-Consultants L.L.C. was created in 2018 to meet the latest needs in the development of our business prospects. We have an extensive experience of more than 30 years in the field of Design and Construction. 

Giannos Koliantris


Giannos Koliantris has completed his studies in Architecture at the University of Cyprus.He joined Chr.Minas Architect-Consultans in 2018 and he participated in several projects. He is pretty good connoisseur of 3D programs like Revit (Dynamo), Autocad, Archicad, Rinoceros (Grasshopper), Sketchup and some render machines like Artlantis, Lumion and Vray 



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